Here’s another bedroom with a fake bed. Buyers can’t tell, but it makes the room so inviting!

Here’s another bedroom with a fake bed. Buyers can’t tell, but it makes the room so inviting!
If you have an empty bedroom, adding a fake bed is easy to do and gives the room life. It can also show buyers that a full sized bed can fit in smaller bedrooms where they might think only a twin will fit. And this tip allows you to hide boxes and tubs that you’ll need to pack for your move!
First, arrange boxes or tubs into the shape of your airmattress. Put a bedskirt or flat sheets over the tubs. Top with an airmattress that will bring the total height of the bed to about 24″ high. They can be a little shorter for smaller bedrooms and a little taller for big bedrooms. Then top with standard bedding. Stack pillows against the wall if you don’t have a headboard and add nightstands, lamps and art if you have them.