If you have an older home, there is a good chance that you have a bathroom with one of these tiny mirrored medicine chests with attached lights. It can look intimidating to change, but if you take it step by step, it’s pretty easy!

First, shut off the circuit breaker. Inside the cabinet you will find a few screws to remove. Then gently pull the cabinet out of the hole and have someone else unhook the wires from the electrical box.

So here’s what it looks like once it’s removed. In this case, we did a little patching of the drywall between the box and the hole. After painting the room, we put a new light fixture over the electrical box. (Follow fixture directions or hire an electrician!)
The last step was to purchase a framed mirror (we got his one at TJ Maxx) that would fill up almost the entire space from the light fixture to the vanity. Hang it and you’re done!


We also changed out the vanity ($200 from Home Depot) and replaced the floor and fixtures. What a difference!!!