Even if you’re not thinking about selling, the new year often rings in ideas of getting closets organized and donating all of those unused items. If you find it hard to get rid of clothing that you really don’t wear, commit to this process and you will have an organized closet by this time next year.
Flip all of your hangers around so they are hanging on the rod backwards. As you wear each piece of clothing, switch the hanger back to it’s regular position. Vow that on January 1, 2013, you will donate everything that you haven’t worn in 2012. If it will still be hard for you to get rid of the unworn items…..have your spouse or best friend do it and don’t even look at what’s been donated…..you won’t miss them!
If you are ambitious, upcycle your old clothes! The internet is loaded with ideas to turn old clothes into new pieces like those below.